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# HWVERSION_10.0build
# Purpose : The script aimed to auto_biuld a model,including automodify comps name,auto_import material,auto_create assign property.
# Help Document
# tips :1.The external file formate(txt formate):
# comp_name1 mat1 thickness(omit)
# comp_name2 mat2 thickness
# ...... ...... ......
# 2.The material name in the txt file,the material name in the material name,the material name in the .inp file, all of them should be same.
# 3.Just S3R/S4R/SC6R/SC8R/M3D3/M3D4/R3D3/R3D4/SOLID SECTION has been supported.
# 4.Before you apply the script,please make sure you have assigned right elements type.
# 5.Apply it with Component Brower is suggested.
转载请注明:中国设计与仿真论坛 (网址:www.mechbbs.com)