模型的建立是很简单的,如图所示,左侧较长的模型为金属丝的模型,右侧的小块体模型为模具,之所以把模具的形状建立出来而不采用解析/离散刚体来建模,这个原因后面我会解释,由于Case 1采用的拉格朗日边界,为了达到稳定的结果,需要为金属丝建立足够长的几何形状,这样在金属丝的下端给定一个速度,则金属丝会在模具的限制下,产生塑性变形。
Case 2: 欧拉边界的模型
Case 2中金属丝的上下表面采用的是欧拉边界,解释一下“欧拉边界”(这个是我理解的,不对的话还请指正),其实这里我用到的关键字是REGION TYPE=EULERIAN,准确的说是将原先的朗格朗日边界的类型人工的设定为欧拉类型,这样的话金属丝就不用建立很长的几何尺寸,一定程度上避免了有限元模型尺寸的过大,因为在给定下端速度的欧拉边界后,金属的材料会从丝的进口端(Inflow)源源不断地“流入”,又从出口端(Outflow)源源不断地“流出”,但为了消除圣维南原理中的局部效应,金属丝的上下端均与成型区保持有足够的距离。 材料属性
***ERROR: The requested number of domains cannot be created due to
restrictions in domain decomposition. The following limitations may
be helpful in understanding this behavior:
1. Contact pair requires that the surface nodes be in the same domain.
In the case of kinematic contact, elements associated with
the surface facets must also be in the same domain.
2. An adaptive mesh domain must be contained within a single
parallel domain. Nodes on the boundary between an adaptive
mesh domain and a nonadaptive domain must not be shared
with other parallel domains.
3. All the nodes involved in a kinematic constraint must
be in the same domain and must not be shared with other domains.
4. Nodes associated with beam elements whose center of mass
does not coincide with the location of the beam node or which
use the *BEAM ADDED INERTIA option must be within a single domain.
金属丝成型过程中,无可避免的会出现摩擦生热以及塑性变形产生热量的现象,那么只有应力应变分析还略显不够,在下次的帖子中,我将为大家带来含有温度自由度的上述两种方法的对比分析,敬请期待! 结果对比